Japanese Maple, colored pencil in sketchbook, 4/5/09
I never know how long it takes me to draw something because I never do it straight through. My computer usually distracts me (facebook, email, reading blogs, etc.) so something that should be very simple takes me hours because of all the interruptions. For this sketch, I went outside and set a timer for one hour to see what I could do in a single block of time without stopping. My choice of colors was inspired by Stephen Hall, who suggested that I try limiting myself to only three: red, blue and yellow. I used Prismacolor colored pencils for this (deco yellow, magenta and ultramarine). I wasn’t trying to be too accurate – I just wanted to have fun with it and get stuff down on the paper. I felt like a kid at a restaurant coloring on the back of a placemat with those little packets of crayons that they hand out.