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In Progress

pencil portrait sketch
Sketch for “The Justin”, graphite in sketchbook, 4/7/09

Yesterday, I came home from work and went immediately to bed with one of the worst migraines I’ve had in months. I was pretty bummed about this actually, because I was looking forward to doing some serious artmaking. Thankfully, I got up around 10 pm with my headache gone and I made this sketch. It’s not quite right, but it made the day count as a drawing day so I am happy with it for that reason alone. This is my friend Justin and honestly, I think he would be horrified if he knew how many times I’ve drawn this very picture. I have a version of it in every one of my sketchbooks. I’ve tried it right side up, upside down, big, small, realistic, sketchy, etc — I have been tinkering with it for months now.

Originally, I wanted to do this in ink wash, as I think the shadow across the face would look awesome this way. I’ve sketched it in graphite so many times though that I think I owe it to my pencils to use them for the final piece! I’m very comfortable with graphite and it is my medium of choice at the moment. Upon upon reading Adebanji Alade’s post on his trials with portrait commissions, I have decided that with all the other difficulties involved, the last thing I need is to use an unfamiliar medium. Even though this is not a commission and I am doing it just for myself, I might as well prepare myself for when I do get that commission.