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In it for the Long Haul

rose sketch
I was recently reading this article which discusses two types of creative individuals. There are the “Conceptualists,” or artists who create their best and most innovative work early on in their careers. Afterwards, they often seem to burn out and fizzle, never matching their early success. The other group is made up of “Experimentalists.” These people tend to make lower quality work in the beginning of their careers but improve over time, creating their best work at the end of their lives, often right before they die. They often tinker and experiment, learning as they go along.

When thinking about myself, it’s clear to me that I’m an Experimentalist, as I tend to be a late bloomer in general. I am also getting much more confident as I keep working, so I think that my art will only improve over time. At least I hope, because otherwise, what would I have to look forward to?

Also, if you’re American, please have a happy Independence Day. This year especially, I have been thinking a lot about my independence and it is definitely something to be thankful for!