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The Hall of Justice

I made this quirky drawing while in the Jury Pool waiting room (it was too big to scan at once so I had to stitch two scans together). I had only been called in for Jury Duty one other time, and not in this particular courthouse. By the time I drove into the city, found the courthouse, figured out how the parking garage worked, went through security, and found the waiting room, I was feeling quite out of sorts. I had a lot of energy in the beginning of the day and worked on this sketch from 8:00 until about 10:30. Then my arm began to ache so I settled into my chair and did…nothing. Well, I did watch a few game shows and then some soaps. I also eavesdropped on a conversation between two public school teachers bellyaching about their benefits packages. They ended up sending everybody home and never used a single one of us for a jury, but it was not a wasted day for me. In my opinion, I got an interesting spread in my sketchbook and some time off to think.

Here is a blog post by Roz about her jury duty sketching experience. New Englanders aren’t always the friendliest people so I didn’t want to run the risk of drawing anybody while in an enclosed space, but it would have been interesting for sure.