About halfway through May I quit my drawing project, because I got bored with it and wanted to do my own thing. I realize now that I don’t like being “told” what to draw. Instead, I started a new watercolor floral painting. I’m still working on it, but I might not post it because I’m not sure if I like the progress thus far. The plus side is that I spent quite a bit of time making a preliminary line drawing and working out the composition, SO if it comes out horrible I will still be able to start over again on a fresh piece of watercolor paper.
Here are some other random pages from my sketchbooks (with my remarks) to show you in the meantime. Yesterday, I also posted this sketch of a rhododendron blossom on Sketching in Nature.
I sketched this dried up tulip (below) and chatted with my husband as he changed the oil and the brake pads on my car.

©2011 Carolyn A. Pappas, 5-13-11 sketchbook (Tulip Remnants). Pitt pen in large handbook sketchbook.
This morning I tried to go outside to do some sketching, but the mosquitoes were too much so I had to come inside early. I don’t think I can go out again until I pick up some bug spray.

©2011 Carolyn A. Pappas, Assorted Leaves (sketching attempt). Various pitt pens in large handbook sketchbook.
On my way inside I picked up this flower sprig and sketched it indoors. It came from a large tree covered in these purple blossoms. I have no idea what it is called though.

©2011 Carolyn A. Pappas, 5-31-11 sketchbook (Unknown Purple Flower). Graphite and watersoluble colored pencil in large handbook sketchbook.
Later on, I sketched these random objects while waiting for the mailman to come and deliver a package.

©2011 Carolyn A. Pappas, Some Things I Have. Pitt pens in 8.5 x 11 inch sketchbook.