©2011 Carolyn A. Pappas, 6-5-2011 Sketchbook Page (At the Edge of the Woods). Pen and marker in large handbook sketchbook.
This past weekend I went outside and attempted nature sketching again. I am trying not to expose myself to a lot of chemicals, which makes repelling mosquitoes kind of difficult. I read somewhere that mosquitoes do not like the smell of vanilla, so I tried using some vanilla perfume that I have from the Body Shop. It seemed to work well because I did not get any bites while I was out (about 45 minutes). It also was not a windy day, so I know it wasn’t the wind that was keeping them away. I also read that mosquitoes are repelled by Listerine sprayed on the ground in a little spray bottle, so I will try this if the vanilla thing starts to fail me.