©2011 Carolyn A. Pappas, June Roses. Watercolor, 6 x 9 inches.
This is the watercolor that I’ve been working on here and there over the past few weeks. I was orginally painting white roses, but I made the shadows much too gray and drab. I ended up repainting the roses this much deeper mauve color. The color does work better, but now the flowers seem much too stiff–more like something you would see on a vintage floral printed fabric. I’m not sure if I’m really pleased with this painting or not, because it is really nothing like what I had originally wanted to do. I am happy that I finished it off in either case though.
Regardless of the final product, this was still a valuable exercise because I hadn’t been painting in awhile and I badly needed the practice. Now I feel more confident to start on a new project.