©2011 Carolyn A. Pappas, Pink Daisies. Ink and watercolor in large watercolor moleskine.
I sketched these daisies last week after my baby shower (one of them). Yesterday was my other baby shower and now I am swimming in so much baby paraphernalia that I find it overwhelming! I am so lucky because I was only expecting a fraction of what I got. I was going to try to be super minimalist, but now I’m thinking that my baby girl will be pampered for sure.
In my mind I’ve been avoiding the inevitable that I am running out of time to do certain tasks uninterrupted. Now that my life has settled down a bit and I’m done moving, I’m going to try to do as much drawing and painting as possible before the baby gets here. Also, I’ve been trying to do some reading because I probably won’t be doing much of that either.