©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Feeding the Green River. Pen and watercolor wash, 13.5 x 10 cm.
This little piece depicts one of the many waterfalls that empty into the Green River. After Hurricane Irene, my husband and I drove around to survey the damage and I snapped a photo that I used as a reference. The river and the streams were flowing a lot faster than normal, which made for a beautiful scene.
I just sent this off to Moss, Norway for the second Twitter Art Exhibit, organized by David Sandum. You may remember that I submitted a painting for the first Twitter Art Exhibit as well, back in 2010. This time, the money raised is going towards the Women’s Crisis Center in Moss. I met David on Twitter a few years ago and he’s a nice guy and great artist. I highly recommend following him if you use Twitter. There’s still time to participate in the exhibit as the deadline is March 30th.