The Saw Mill River
Last Friday afternoon we were driving through Montague, MA on our way to look for a certain waterfall in Sunderland. We came across an old mill that had been renovated and filled with shops. There was a cute little co-op gallery, Saw Mill River Arts and a bookstore, the Montague Bookmill. We stopped for a bit and browsed. There were rooms and rooms of used books and new books connected by narrow staircases. I felt almost like I was snooping through someone’s house. I would like to come back and spend some more time there and perhaps eat at their little cafe.
We ended up finding the waterfall and it was quite impressive. I filed away my snapshots into my “future paintings” file.
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[…] to see that he lives in Amherst, MA (the town where I went to college) and he has a studio at the Montague Bookmill. Western Massachusetts is a special place and there is so much inspiration […]
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