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Colored Pencil Exercises, Part 2

We worked on still life in my second colored pencil class. As a warmup, when people were still filtering in, the instructor gave us an object in a bag and we were to draw it only by feel (no peeking). I got a pulley and I didn’t recognize what it was, which I think made it more fun. Afterwards, I drew it again while looking (on the right).

We took the rest of the class to draw a still life. We were supposed to concentrate on the plane changes and the instructor wanted us to sketch out our drawing using only straight lines. This is not the way I normally work, so it felt unusual, but I did my best. I was the only person in the class who drew the whole still life instead of just zooming in on one part. I took it as a challenge to try to piece all the elements together. I didn’t have the time to build up a lot of intense colors, and I never would have drawn this subject on my own, but I think it was good practice.

In the end, we all pinned up our drawings and looked them over. It was so interesting to see how everyone approached the still life in different ways.

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