I’ve been paying attention to skies lately. In New England, we don’t have big wide skies like in the West because of all the trees and buildings that block the view. Some of the only places to see a lot of sky are over a lake, or on top of a mountain. I once read someone describe New England as having lots of nooks and crannies, which I thought was a great analogy.
On a few occasions I’ve sat outside and made sketches of the sky. It’s a good exercise, especially at dusk when the sky is in so much flux. Unfortunately, I can’t take the mosquitoes.

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, 7-29-12 Sunset. Colored Pencil in sketchbook.

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, 7-31-12 Sunset. Colored Pencil in sketchbook.
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