The Wednesday before Thanksgiving has always been a special day for me. In earlier years, it was always a traveling day with the promise of a late night Thanksgiving dinner with many relatives. This year, we are starting a different tradition of having Thanksgiving with immediate family, so this Wednesday feels a bit different for me.
Right now I am especially thankful for a short workweek, and that I will have some time to myself over the next few days to work on artwork and be alone (I have missed it badly). I am planning on taking an inventory of myself and getting some work done. Over this past year, I am most thankful for my family, who helps me in countless ways, and for Cate, who is making me smile every day.
I hope everyone in the US also has a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Orange Sunset WIP. Colored pencil on toned paper, apx 7 x 7 inches.
This is the start of a new colored pencil painting that I have started on a scrap of orange toned Mi-Teintes paper. I haven’t done anything in colored pencil in a few months, and I’m looking forward to getting back into it. I’m thinking of this as both an experiment on a different colored paper as well as a warm up for some bigger paintings that I want to complete next year.
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