On Wednesday I had a bit of time to spend so I had a small artist date at the Worcester Art Museum. I went there especially to see the exhibit “Jill Slosburg-Ackerman — In Rome: The Pine Grove. And. Natura naturans; natura naturata.” It’s not usually like me to be drawn to installation type artwork, but I really did enjoy looking through this one. It was mainly a collection of drawings of pine cones and repetitive geometric designs, sculpture, and some furniture. I really liked how she designed the picture frames. Some were plain unfinished wood, and others were decorated. Here and there, some were hinged so they stuck out from the wall.
I was mainly interested in the drawings and paintings. The drawings themselves were very plain and simple, mostly in pencil, with plenty of erasure marks showing. She had one collection of drawings of geometric designs that was hung on the wall arranged with the most detailed and tiny designs at the top and the most large scale designs at the bottom. There were also paintings on thinnish looking paper so that it buckled and warped. In the past I may have written it off as being sloppy, but I actually appreciated seeing all the imperfections. I liked that she seemed curious in a child-like way. Overall, the colors of the exhibit were white, brown, gray and yellow. I liked the palette.
Here is a review I found on the Boston Globe website: Seeds of imagination on display in Worcester.

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Rose Foliage (11-21-12 sketchbook). Graphite in 8.5 x 11 inch sketchbook.