This time I tried something a little different in hopes that it will keep my momentum going. I started a new painting while I was still in the middle of the first one. I find that the beginning stages of a painting are the most boring, and sometimes the hardest part is starting to begin with. If I can get that initial stage done while I’m still excited about the other piece that I’m in the middle of, perhaps I will avoid a period of inactivity between paintings.

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Work in Progress (Sunset). Colored pencil on paper, 9 x 12 inches (final size to be determined).
This is another sunset piece, also in colored pencil, except that I am working on white paper. I want it to remain on the “painterly” side, so I’m going to try to avoid overworking it and adding too much detail. I’ll keep you posted.
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