If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you know that it is my tradition to post a year end recap post with all the highlights. This year I have been adjusting nicely to my role as a mom, which I love. I started a new job which has also been positive for me. Regarding my art, 2012 was a year of reevaluating my priorities.
These are some of the highlights of this past year:
- I published one hundred thirty-one blog posts here and ten posts at Sketching in Nature.
- I made only three paintings that I would consider good enough for framing. Increasing this number is a big goal of mine for 2013.
- I stopped participating in the Virtual Paintout. This was not because it wasn’t worthwhile, but because I wanted to work from my own material with my limited studio time.
- I took many photographs this year, posting one every Friday. I was originally inspired by Ann, who was inspired by SouleMama, who was probably inspired by someone else out there. It has been a good exercise for me, resulting in more reference photos (I never posted my favorite one, always reserving it for a future painting). As the year progressed, I strayed from the original intention of the project and it became more of an exercise in composition than capturing a candid moment in time. I’ve decided that I’m going to continue with my weekly photography posting, however I may add text from time to time.
- I completed a two part Botanical Illustration class at Mass Audubon. I also attended a four part Colored Pencil class at the Worcester Art Museum.
- In January, I started publishing my email newsletter, Delicate Paperwork, first monthly and then quarterly once I started working. My next issue is going out in January–you can sign up here and view all my past issues here.
- I published the first edition of Mini View, my one page zine. (Mini View #2 is on the drawing board right now, by the way.)
- I sent this piece in for the second Twitter Art Exhibit in Moss, Norway. I was also chosen to be a global ambassador for the organization, which has expanded beyond Norway.
- I painted a portrait in watercolor. I had agreed to paint this a number of years ago but I was terrified into a state of inaction. I am so happy that I have no outstanding issues like this on my plate any longer!
- I made a 2013 pen sketched calendar. This was a great sketching project for me!
- In 2012 I have started to work on some more complex colored pencil paintings, and I hope to do more of the same in 2013. This year I joined the Colored Pencil Society of America, the very first time I have joined any kind of art society or organization.
- I purchased a new computer in April, the Acer Ultrabook, and I have been very happy with it so far.
- I purchased a new desk from Crate & Barrel, and I use it daily. Having a dedicated workspace is very important to me.
- I started to offer my work for sale in 2012, and although I haven’t sold anything, it was a good experience. I have realized that I have a drive to create that surpasses my desire to make money, although I have started to value my work more. For example, I am no longer doing free work for friends and family. I have also created a page with my commission policies so that I have a place to point people if it comes up.
- I have begun to battle against chronic urticaria (hives) and angioedema (swelling). It started in the beginning of September and I won’t lie, it has taken a huge toll on my health. I am on a strict medication schedule, I am much less active than I was, and I have to be really careful about how much time I spend on my feet and which foods I can eat safely. I pray daily for a return to good health in 2013.
- I turned thirty this past year, and while I don’t feel any different because of it, I have started to think of how I have changed in the past few years. I will write about this in its own post sometime in the near future.
I wish all of my readers a very creative and productive new year ahead! My next post will summarize my Art Goals for 2013 (a much shorter list, to be sure).

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Orange Sunset. Colored pencil on toned paper, 7 x 7 inches.
Here is my first sunset painting, finished. I tried to keep it more on the “sketchy” side, and hopefully not too overdone. It was a joy to work on and I hope that the work in progress series was interesting to follow as well.