Greek Woman by Pauline Demosthenous. Embroidery, 14 x 12 inches.
I come from a long line of expert designers and seamstresses and I’ve always felt sad that I haven’t taken on any of that knowledge myself. So, I have been doing some research and have started to do some of my own mending tasks.
In particular, I’ve wanted to learn to embroider for a long time, but I never got around to actually trying it until now. I have to say that my first attempt at embroidery was rather pitiful, but my mother has been giving me a lot of pointers and I am getting better. I have also found this website with tutorials on many different embroidery stitches. I can see it as being a relaxing evening activity for me.

My embroidery practice.
While doing some searching online research, I found these amazing embroidered portraits by Cayce Zavaglia and Daniel Kornrumpf. I prefer the ones by Zavaglia as they are more my style and more like traditional portraits. While these are amazing, I don’t think I could use any medium that was this slow going. I think colored pencil and pen and ink are the most time consuming media that I can handle.
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