I recently came across this musician online and I really love her work. I have never emailed a musician until now, when I contacted her to inquire where to find her music to download. She is still working on her ep at the moment, but she was so kind to mail me a cd of some older work all the way from Sweden. It is really mellow music–perfect for my collection of drawing music, which I’m always on the lookout for. It was so nice to have a positive interaction with a musician that I enjoy!

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Work in Progress (Sunset). Colored pencil on paper, 6 x 9 inches.
I have been debating the final size of this piece for a long time now, but I’ve decided that it will be 6 x 9 inches. I probably should have put in some more planning before I started on this one, but I will still continue to work on it.