Recently I’ve rediscovered two small partially used sketchbooks and I’ve decided to make good use of them. I have since finished the first, and have now started on the second, a small moleskine journal I’ve had since 2005. I keep it in my car in the driver’s side door and I’ve been making small 10-15 minute pen sketches in the parking lot before I go in for work. I find that it calms any anxiety I may have before I start my workday.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, 2-1-13 (Peperomia). Pen in small moleskine journal.
On this particular day, I had brought a peperomia houseplant with me (to liven up my cube) and I sketched it as it sat on my passenger seat. To see more of my recent morning sketches, check out this post at Sketching in Nature.
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