Here is my finished painting:

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Birthday Sunset. Colored pencil on Canson Mi-Teintes paper, 6.5 x 10.5 inches.
I chose the title Birthday Sunset because this was the sunset on the evening that I was hosting Cate’s first birthday party this past November. I was drawn to the peachy pinks and the dramatic clouds above. Although I based it on my own photo reference, I altered the final product a lot. In the end I stopped using the photo at all and it evolved into more of an abstract experience for me. My aim was for a looser style than my usual, and a look more similar to pastel.
I was going to crop this smaller, at 6 x 9 inches, but I decided on a larger size at the end, even though it is an oddball one. I spent much more time on this than I wanted to originally, and it was definitely a learning experience. I would have benefited from some preliminary planning and thumbnail sketching to work out the composition and the final dimensions ahead of time. I will definitely be thinking along these lines for my next piece.