The reason why I took this photo is because I liked the way the trunk of the middle tree had the unusual curve. It will be in my reference file in case I ever need a similar shaped tree for something.

Tree Silhouettes. Photograph ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.
I have to admit that I have not been able to do much artwork or even sleep well this past week ever since Monday. I am very upset about this bombing. On Monday I was taking a walk in the early morning and I had a strange feeling about the day. It was Patriot’s Day, a MA state holiday, and I was expecting the traffic to be light. That afternoon, I was pretty much useless at work and I heard a lot of gruesome stories through coworkers the next day. And then this morning I get up to write this post and hear the news that there is a manhunt for one of the suspects going on at this moment and people are being told to hide inside their homes. It is all very disturbing to my spirit but I have been praying that this situation gets resolved quickly. I heard of Patrick and Jess through my cousin who goes to school with Patrick. It is so sad to see innocent people ruined by something like this.
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