Last week my sister and I had the opportunity to take an afternoon watercolor class taught by artist Kara K. Bigda. It was held at the Hardwick Winery and the class was combined with a wine tasting. I had a great time and it was also a fun day with my sister (going out for breakfast, taking photos, etc.). If you are familiar with Massachusetts you will know that this area has some of the most beautiful scenery in the state.

The winery is in a historic barn.
Even though I love watercolor, I have never taken a class before until now. This experience really opened my eyes about how much I have taught myself over the years through trial and error, as well as the instruction I got from reading a lot of art books and from various online sources. It also makes me wish that I took a basic watercolor class years ago to avoid some of the frustration.
My biggest take home thoughts were:
- I have to take the time to make a color chart for both watercolor and colored pencil. Kara gave us a little color mixing “cheat sheet” and it was so valuable even with a limited palette.
- I also really admire the way Kara markets herself as an artist. Her biggest marketing tool is definitely her friendly personality!

The vineyards.
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