I’ve been putting off my artwork lately, mainly because I am too tired at the end of the day to do anything. The general lack of energy is bothering me, so I am focusing on improving my nutrition in general.
Also, I have decided to pare down my immediate art goals. This month I am going to take some time off from anything too structured and focus on sketching and drawing only. I have put away all of my watercolor stuff and colored pencils and generally cleaned up my space. I am going to try to post more frequently throughout this month, to show you my progress.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, 5-18-13 Garden Sketch (detail). Blue and gray Ink in 6.5 x 9 inch sketchbook.
The above sketch was done with my new Lamy Safari EF nib, filled with Lexington gray ink. You can see some variation in the color because I had blue ink in that nib previously and I did not rinse it out when I changed colors. I was a little worried about the converter but filling it was easy. It also lasts much longer than the Noodler Flex Nib pen does. I have been using it consistently all week and it still does not need to be refilled.
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