From reviewing my sketchbook recently, my interests are apparent.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Weeds (6-11-13). Gray Ink in 6.5 x 9 inch sketchbook.
I’ve noticed that I have a very distinctive style when sketching foliage and weeds. I am not trying to draw every last leaf, but I am drawn to the various shapes of the leaves.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Weeds (6-14-13). Gray Ink in 6.5 x 9 inch sketchbook.
With this sketch of the pansies, I was working quickly using the pen upside down to get the very thin lines.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Pansies (6-14-13). Gray Ink in 6.5 x 9 inch sketchbook.
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