The next annual #twitterartexhibit will be held in Orlando, Florida from March 20 through April 11, 2014 to benefit The Center for Contemporary Dance’s Special Needs Classes. The official Call for Artists hasn’t been released yet, but the details will be posted later this summer.
If you are an artist on Twitter, you are welcome to participate and now is a good time to start thinking about what you’d like to submit. Visit this website to learn more.
Here is the piece that I have prepared for the exhibit: (I’m glad to get this done early in fact!)

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Hens and Chicks. Ink and watercolor, 9.5 x 13 cm.
This was a total experiment as I was going for something more colorful and illustrative than I normally do.
I hope all my friends from the USA have a lovely Independence Day tomorrow. I’m getting excited already!
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