As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the US, I’ve been considering what I’m thankful for as well. To be honest, I can’t pinpoint one particular thing. I am just generally thankful that God has been taking care of me this past year. It feels like the world is falling apart these days and I’ve been kept safe and all my needs are met.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Winter House (in progress). Ink (with watercolor to come), 8 x 10 inches.
I’m so happy to be out of work for the next few days. It’s a real blessing and a chance to do some quiet things around the house during the daylight hours when I work best. I’ve been putting in some more time on my pen and ink snow scene. I put it down for a few weeks and now I’m back at it. I hope to have it finished soon so that I can move onto some new things.
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