©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Winter House (in progress). Ink (with watercolor to come), 7 x 10 inches.
Above you can see that I finished up with the ink, which represented the bulk of the work with this piece. I decided to crop an inch off the height of the picture which puts more emphasis on the trees in my opinion.
Then I went in with washes of neutral tint (almost black) and ultramarine blue. To me, this picture represents the kind of gloomy feeling that winter can have. This is a very New England scene. The trees are ominous, and I arranged them to meld together in the center to form a mass of trees. It is not recommended to let trees become overgrown like this directly next to a building as I have seen trees fall on houses a number of times. But I didn’t get the particular feeling that this house was being cared for very nicely.
Now, the only thing I need to do is come up with a better title. Winter House is too plain and I’ve been hoping to think of something better, with no success. Please leave me a comment if you can think of something to help me out!

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Winter House (working title). Ink and watercolor, 7 x 10 inches.
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