My mantra this year is “Less thinking, more doing.”
The image below is a work in progress. I got this plain 2014 planner at Target a few weeks back and I am in the process of drawing/doodling on it. I will post a picture of it when it is finished as well.

©2014 Carolyn A Pappas, 2014 calendar (in progress). Pen, apx 8 x 5 inches.
A lot of evenings I don’t end up working on artwork because I find I can’t get past the mental energy it takes to get started and drag out my supplies, etc. But my mind is full of ideas that keep spilling out, way too many to actually accomplish. I think that if I just prepare a little bit ahead of time, I might be a lot more productive. I am considering some ways to accomplish this, such as laying out my supplies in the morning so when I get home from work everything is ready for me, or having multiple projects going at once to keep up my momentum.
Still, I must be realistic with myself because, after all, I do have a full time job and a two year old. She is a joy to me, but a handful whenever she is awake. Some things I want to accomplish this year are:
- I want to send a Christmas card out so I will need to do a winter/holiday/Christmas themed painting. I have a good amount of reference material for this already, and I just need to sit down and start working on it.
- I want to try out colored pencil on wood. I have a wood panel that I have primed with gesso and it is all ready for me to start. I even know what I am going to draw on it.
- I would like to exhibit something this year, so having some finished pieces ready to choose from will be a priority.
- I am working on a website update/overhaul that I will finalize soon.
I have a few other goals which will remain private for the time being as I don’t want to spoil anything for myself ahead of time.
I would like to wish everyone a fruitful and prosperous 2014, especially in the realm of your creative passion/Important Work.
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