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graphite self portrait
I had a full day yesterday, but sadly left drawing until the very end. Not wanting to put off drawing for the day, I decided to do some late night sketching before the clock struck twelve. I was wearing my “do rag” in my hair and my long sleeved flannel nightgown (the a/c was on). I was sleepy and my eyes were crossing and the lighting was bad. I was sitting on the floor next to my bed with a mirror in my lap and my sketchbook on the floor next to me, hence the wonky proportions. And all the while I was doing this I was chatting with my boyfriend on AIM, stopping every few minutes to type a reply. I must admit it was not the most productive use of my time.

Today I read this article on using simplicity to help unleash creativity. I realized I have been violating almost all of these points – number eleven is what struck me as the first thing I need to remedy. I need to just “show up” some more, both physically and mentally.