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Sunset Silhouette


“right now” staying focused on the present, mindful and in the moment, an image from the week, with no words or a few words, that acknowledges the “right now.” Inspired by Ann.


white orchid

“right now” staying focused on the present, mindful and in the moment, an image from the week, with no words or a few words, that acknowledges the “right now.” Inspired by Ann.

Tree Leaves

I spent an afternoon with the trees, sketching on and off and getting interrupted many times.

leaves drawing

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Tree Leaves (5-22-12), Ink in large handbook sketchbook.

Sometimes I find it interesting to see how my impression compares to the actual scene. My drawing doesn’t look very much like the photo, but I think I will remember it pretty accurately years from now when I flip through my sketchbook.

spring trees

I took a photo when I was finished drawing.


“right now” staying focused on the present, mindful and in the moment, an image from the week, with no words or a few words, that acknowledges the “right now.” Inspired by Ann.

Mini View

Last week I did not work on any “serious” art projects, although I did finish up something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I have wanted to make a one page mini zine for years now, probably since 2004 when I first saw one. For various reasons, I never got around to it until now.

mini view cover

The front cover of my one page mini zine.

It was nothing fancy, just a small series of pen and ink drawings pasted to a sheet of paper and photocopied. They were nature drawings from around my house, sketched quickly.

work in progress

Making the paste-up using a super old lightbox that I've had for years.

Below I scanned my photocopy and arranged the pages in order for you to see. These drawings all fit onto one 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper.

one page mini zine

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Mini View #1. Photocopied pen and ink drawings, 8.5 x 11 inches.

I think I may make more of these mini zines in the future, as the spirit moves me.

First Mother’s Day

Yesterday my mom, sister and I went to Old Sturbridge Village because they were giving free admission to all mothers. It was a nice afternoon and we saved $75.

old sturbridge village

The gazebo in the herb garden.

old sturbridge village

Some unfired pottery.

old sturbridge village

I always wanted a canopy bed as a kid.

old sturbridge village

Looking out the window in the "rich people's house."

old sturbridge village

The pond and covered bridge.

I haven’t been there in twenty years and it was just as I remembered it. I left with lots of potential reference photos and the general impression that I was born in the wrong century.


german shepherd

“right now” staying focused on the present, mindful and in the moment, an image from the week, with no words or a few words, that acknowledges the “right now.” Inspired by Ann.

Robin in the rain.


“right now” staying focused on the present, mindful and in the moment, an image from the week, with no words or a few words, that acknowledges the “right now.” Inspired by Ann.


It was on my goal list for 2011, but I never got around to it. This was in part because I was too scared, and also because other things came up and I found it easy to put off.

Finally, I said enough is enough — I will start selling my work in 2012 whether I feel ready or not.

I am happy and excited to announce that my work is officially for sale. I set up an etsy shop and put some smaller pieces in it to start.

Some goals of mine will be to work on bigger pieces and find a good way to sell prints. If you are interested in any of my paintings or drawings, please let me know.

Appreciate the Various Greens of Springtime

This is my favorite time of year to be outside appreciating the subtleties of nature. Springtime is the best time to experience the color Green in many different variations. The spring landscape is gorgeous here in New England.

poet's seat tower

The View from Poet's Seat Tower in Greenfield, MA

Above is a photo I took yesterday from the top of Poet’s Seat Tower. I made a mini sketch of the view from the lower part of the tower on a manila tag. It was an experiment using my Pentel Pocket Brush Pen and some colored pencils. The pen works great on this paper (no smudging unlike some other papers I have tried), although there isn’t enough tooth for the colored pencils.

hand drawn tag

©2012 Carolyn A Pappas, Poet's Seat Tower. Pentel Pocket Brush Pen and Colored Pencil on manila tag.