Sunday, November 17, 2013
I came across the story of the Lisa Congdon vs Cody Foster copyright dispute recently, including this article by Brian Sherwin (the comments are very heated). If you want a good synopsis, Katherine Tyrrell has a great article on it here: Copyright for Artists – Congdon vs Cody Foster.
While I don’t support Cody Foster at all, this is a great example of how using other people’s photos as references can be problematic. While I can’t prove that Congdon copied the photos, it does appear that way on the surface. I use photo references a lot in my artwork, because of my schedule and because it makes artmaking a lot more feasible with a two year old. However, I have made a commitment to use only my own photos, unless I have written permission.

Tree Silhouette (10-13). Photograph ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.
When I was younger, I would use photos from books, magazines or wherever. As I became more educated, this began to bother me and I made a commitment to generate my own reference material. This may limit my subject matter, but I feel so much more authentic as an artist. I also consider photography to be an art form all its own, and I’ve improved quite a bit over the years.

Lake Sunset (10-13). Photograph ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.
A friend gave me a $40 giftcard at Michael’s for my birthday, and I found a 40% off entire purchase coupon, which allowed me to get a lot for my money. I got a set of four sepia Micron pens, a set of three black Copic pens, some colored pencils and a pad of pen and ink drawing paper all for the grand total of $2.15. I tried out the Copic pens here, sketching some brussels sprouts in my new Stillman & Birn sketchbook (Epsilon series). I had purchased the sketchbook some time ago and I was saving it for a special occasion.
The pens are pretty good, although I wonder how long they will retain the fine tip. The package stated that they were waterproof as well as Copic-proof (alcohol based, I think). What I really love is the sketchbook. I haven’t tried their other paper surfaces, but am so impressed with the one that I have that I can see myself switching to this brand permanently.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, 10-20-13 Sketchbook (Brussels Sprouts). Copic pens in Stillman & Birn Epsilon series sketchbook.
Saturday, October 12, 2013

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Winter House (in progress), Ink (with watercolor to come), 8 x 10 inches.
I was able to work some more on my pen and ink winter scene. I am working from left to right, for fear of dragging my hand through the ink, which would be disastrous. I was on vacation this past week, just staying home and doing mom and house things. It was a nice break from my regular daily life and I got a lot of thinking done.
I also got a lot of organizing and purging done, as well as some work on my projects. I have too many going on right now, so I am going to slow down once I finish some up.
The weather is beautiful around here. We had the boat put into storage for the winter and I changed over my bed to my flannel sheets and duvet cover and my new wool blanket. This past week I have been sleeping with the window open and my winter bed and it has been perfect.

Moon, Sky, Water. Photographs ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Winter House (in progress), Ink (with watercolor to come), 8 x 10 inches.
I have a few projects in progress right now: my handmade 2014 calendar for my cubicle at work, my daughter’s handmade birthday card, and this pen and ink (with watercolor) winter landscape. My progress doesn’t look like much, but I have put a lot of work into it already.
It is rare for me to include any kind of structure or building in my landscapes, especially not as a focal point. The picture is definitely an experiment and I’m hoping that the feeling I’m trying to convey comes across in the finished product.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
I’m a bit delayed in getting my photo(s) up this week, mostly due to this blog being on the back burner, at least for the moment. After frittering away the entire summer in my sketchbook and otherwise doing nothing, I’ve finally gotten started on some more serious “frame-able” pictures which I will post in progress pics of as soon as I have a couple. The boat will be stored away for the winter soon, and then the cold weather will begin.

Lake Montage. Photographs ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.
Friday, September 20, 2013
I have lived in Massachusetts for over twenty years and I can’t believe that I have never gone apple picking until this year when we took Cate. Yes, I have been to orchard farm stands and bought apples that were already harvested, but I never wandered through the orchard myself and plucked the ripe fruit off the tree with my own hands. It was truly a magical experience and I think I am going to make it an annual tradition.

Canopy of Apples. Photograph ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.

Apple Tree, looking up. Photograph ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I got myself a few early birthday presents recently, which are all useful things as well. I am not a big shopper, but I do like purchasing items that will improve my life.
- Last year I bought a down comforter and now I’ve made my bed perfect with a wool blanket. They are pricy, but I found one on sale from Lands’ End. I haven’t used it yet, but I will once I change over to my flannels.
- I treated myself to a new purse from Bookhou, the day bag in the lines pattern. My favorite thing about this bag is the flexible and soft leather strap, and that I can fit a sketchbook into it. Therefore, I am considering it an “art supply” instead of just a purse.
- Lastly, I bought a Kindle Paperwhite and cover. I don’t reread books and I love that I can download library books and then be done with them without physically dropping them off. Right now I am reading The Art Forger by A. Shapiro and I am really into it.

Some new presents for myself.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Working on this piece reminded me of that bitter cold feeling from the depths of winter. Even though a lot of people complain about winter, I think it can be really beautiful outside and it is my favorite time of year to be holed up inside working on art. This was the perfect little drawing to get me back into my routine.

©2013 Carolyn A Pappas, Deerfield Orchard in Winter. Ink and watercolor, 4 x 6 inches.
Friday, September 13, 2013
The Swan Family returned for a visit the other day, except with only three young ones this time. They have grown so much in only three months! I tried to make some sketches yesterday evening but my results were so shaky that I will put in more practice until I post anything!

Swan Family Photos. Photographs ©2013 Carolyn A Pappas.