I’ve been a bit slow in scanning by sketchbook, but I do have some pen and ink sketches to post soon from my recent drawing experiment. Here is a small ink and watercolor that I completed not long ago, and mailed off to Germany for a swap. I got mine in the mail yesterday, which […]
Painter Susan Abbott has recently revamped her website/blog and has started writing more detailed, instructional “Painting Notes” articles on Saturdays. I really appreciate her insight. I especially like this one — “Blue, Bluish, and Blueness.” Here, Susan gives a history of the evolution of blue pigment, and admits to blue as being her favorite color. […]
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
I made this card for my daughter’s first birthday. I painted it in watercolor first, and then went over it with diluted Noodler’s Eternal Luxury Blue ink in my flex nib pen. I wrote a message inside the card and sealed it. I am planning on making one every year and then giving them to […]
A family friend saw my last sketch of the mini petunias and requested a similar style drawing of poppies for her husband. Not having any reference photos on hand, I used this photo I found online as a reference. Although I strive to use my own material whenever possible, advanced search in flickr is a […]
Last week I did some pen sketching on my front stoop. My goal was to sketch quickly with confident strokes and I think I succeeded. It was very hot and I was in direct sunlight, so I came inside after about fifteen minutes and colored the blossoms yellow.
This is my favorite time of year to be outside appreciating the subtleties of nature. Springtime is the best time to experience the color Green in many different variations. The spring landscape is gorgeous here in New England. Above is a photo I took yesterday from the top of Poet’s Seat Tower. I made a […]
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
My sister frames almost all the art I give her. These are original paintings on blank greeting cards given as birthday gifts over the years. The framer cut apart the cards and glued the inside to the back of the frame so you can read the date and message.
At my recent botanical illustration class, the teacher had us close our eyes for about two minutes and then open them and notice what drew our attention. She wanted us to see if we were drawn to the lighter areas or the darker areas of the room first. I noticed the light filtering in through […]
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Another small painting from Google Street View in Elba, this time experimenting with my new Derwent Coloursoft colored pencils. I like the soft feel of these pencils and they come in a lot of natural looking colors, but I have trouble distinguishing different colors from one another. I tend to draw with a ton of […]
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
This is nothing like what I normally do, but I rather like it. It was fun to work on, which is the main thing I want out of my artwork these days. It reminds me of some kind of fantasy land from Haroun and the Sea of Stories or some other fantasy novel. This is […]