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Category Archives: Colored Pencil

My Second Easter

Sketch of Three Red Eggs, colored pencil in sketchbook, 4/19/2009 Today is Orthodox Easter, or Pascha, as it is called in Greek. The meaning behind it is the same as regular Easter, but the Orthodox calendar is different, that’s all. I always loved that because it meant that I got to have Easter twice. This […]

Lying Low

Swan Sketch #2, colored pencil in sketchbook, 4/13/09 Swan Sketch #1, colored pencil in sketchbook, 4/5/09 These are some sketches I made from some photos that a friend took for me. I did both of these in colored pencil and I tried to keep my color selection to a minimum. I did enjoy myself and […]

A Minor Revelation

Rose Sketch, colored pencil in sketchbook, 4/4/09 Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, opening to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away; Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day! -Henry van […]

All I Can Manage to Say

Red Pepper Study #1, colored pencil in sketchbook, 3/21/09 I am starting to wonder why I bother with my art at all. Everything seems mostly pointless these days and nothing seems to matter anymore. I only do it because I don’t know what I would do with myself otherwise, and because I’ve invested quite a […]

Grown Up Girls Eat Produce

Green Pepper, colored pencil in sketchbook, 3/15/2009 No, I am not posting this because it is St Patrick’s Day and I was looking for something green to fit in with the theme. In fact, this is one of my least favorite holidays of the entire year. I dislike it because it is all about drinking […]

Rethinking and Evaluating

Carnations, colored pencil in sketchbook, 2/14/09 I was feeling a little sick of doing portraits so I did this small sketch of some carnations I had. Normally I am super detailed, trying to capture the minutiae of every leaf and petal. This time I decided to keep it loose and focus on generalities. I need […]

Fruit on Black, and a gift idea

Fruit on Black, colored pencil on black paper, December 2008 I don’t eat a lot of fruit normally, but I live with people who thrive on fruit. I put these small drawings (2.5″ x 1.75″) in a set of photo coasters and gave them to my sister for Christmas. They came out quite nice and […]