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Category Archives: Art Goals

Moving forward.

I have been posting my work online for quite a number of years now, since 2004 I think. I have gone through a number of iterations with various blogs on blogspot and then using Some people have followed me throughout and for that I am very grateful. When I started this website, I originally […]

Mid Week Snow Day

Having the day off from work today is a real blessing for me. I do not mind having a break and staying in all day. It is a chance for me to relax a little and to work on some of my own work. I have been very frustrated lately with my artwork. I managed […]

Abstract watercolor on scrap paper.

I’ve been feeling in such a slump recently that I’ve cast aside my goals for the time being in favor of making art for the pure joy of it. This is inspired by these quilts made from recycled saris: beautiful, imperfect and slightly sloppy.

2014 Art Goals

My mantra this year is “Less thinking, more doing.” The image below is a work in progress. I got this plain 2014 planner at Target a few weeks back and I am in the process of drawing/doodling on it. I will post a picture of it when it is finished as well. A lot of […]

2013 in Review

I took December off from my blog so I could enjoy my daughter and do lots of “Christmassy” things with her. I hope everybody had a nice holiday as well. When I think back on 2013, I realize that I didn’t get all that much artwork done, but it was a great year for me […]

Northampton Greenery

Last Sunday I visited Northampton, Mass. for the day. I like to visit the area about once a year, as I always find a lot of inspiration when I visit, and it reminds me of the years when I was in school. I’ve had a feeling of overwhelm lately which has led to me to […]

Refocus on Drawing and Sketching

I’ve been putting off my artwork lately, mainly because I am too tired at the end of the day to do anything. The general lack of energy is bothering me, so I am focusing on improving my nutrition in general. Also, I have decided to pare down my immediate art goals. This month I am […]

The Magic of Colored Pencil

My colored pencil paintings Birthday Sunset, Orange Sunset and A Mild Winter will be on display at the Spring Bull Gallery in Newport, RI from June 1-30. I’m so excited! I decided to join the CPSA on a whim last year and I am so glad that I did. Already I have met a number […]

Watercolors and Wine

Last week my sister and I had the opportunity to take an afternoon watercolor class taught by artist Kara K. Bigda. It was held at the Hardwick Winery and the class was combined with a wine tasting. I had a great time and it was also a fun day with my sister (going out for […]

Art for the Arts Show

Yesterday I had my two pieces, A Mild Winter and Blue Green Waters in the Art for the Arts Show presented by the Auburn MA Cultural Council. I have never displayed my work in a public forum before, so this was a big step for me on a personal level. I was offering them for […]