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Category Archives: Work in Progress

Mini Zine

I am working on a small zine made from one sheet of paper photocopied and folded into a six page booklet. My plan is to make these drawings after work and on days that I am more tired. After some time I will have enough drawings to make a couple of different editions. I had […]

Pen and Ink Trees WIP

WIP, dip pen (8 x 10) on 140 lb Arches cold press I fully intended to post this yesterday, but I got a bit behind and ended up working until pretty late last night. I underestimated how much time pen and ink really takes me and I got a late start as well. Rather than […]

Another Justin Sketch

Here is another (unfinished) sketch of Justin. I was concentrating on the mouth and nose here. I’m starting to wonder if I’m avoiding doing the final piece because I enjoy sketching it so much.

In Progress

Sketch for “The Justin”, graphite in sketchbook, 4/7/09 Yesterday, I came home from work and went immediately to bed with one of the worst migraines I’ve had in months. I was pretty bummed about this actually, because I was looking forward to doing some serious artmaking. Thankfully, I got up around 10 pm with my […]

January 2009 Virtual Sketch Date

January 2009 VSD, pitt pens and colored pencil in sketchbook January 2009 VSD, graphite in sketchbook This week I have been preoccupied with other things and I didn’t feel like making a very detailed drawing of the clementine for the January 09 VSD. It would have come out really nice but I just wasn’t feeling […]

Justin: preliminary graphite sketch

Justin, graphite in 9 x 12 sketchbook, 12/4/08 My friend Justin let me use his photo for my experimentations. This is a preliminary study as I need to do some practicing first before starting what I want to do. This will be one of many iterations needed to get it right.

Pointsettia (2008 Christmas Card) and my first post

Pointsettia, dip pen and wash, Carolyn Ann Pappas 2008 Pointsettia (WIP), ink, Carolyn Ann Pappas 2008 After some thinking about my priorites I’ve decided to switch back to a blogspot blog from on WordPress. I’m looking for something easy and fairly low maintenance. And it didn’t help that I started having major issues and […]