This year Orthodox Easter and regular Easter were on the same day so I had a lot going on, and I started to feel a little stressed at times. After everyone left the house on Sunday evening, I sat in the living room and drew these pears that someone had shipped to me as an Easter […]
Friday, February 19, 2010
About a year and a half ago I stopped watching TV at home. It was mainly because I moved and the TV was in a very cold room, which was uncomfortable and I had to go out of my way to turn it on. In the beginning it was such a relief not to spend […]
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Instead of looking forward to Christmas this year, I’m sorry to say that I’m sort of looking forward to when Christmas is over. Don’t get me wrong, I have a great family and a wonderful partner, and I haven’t had any traumatic childhood Christmas experiences. I have just become overwhelmed with it all. I am […]
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I went to the mall yesterday and did some Christmas shopping and some shopping from myself. Shopping is something that I don’t like to do so much as I find it exhausting and a little stressful. When I got home, I remembered that it was the 25th World Wide SketchCrawl and also the 5th anniversary […]
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Now that I am feeling better I have been doing drawing mostly every day, except right now I am working on Christmas presents because I am so behind schedule. I was originally planning on getting all my Christmas artwork done before July, but things didn’t really go as planned. I don’t want to post these […]
Ever since I was a kid I remember this bottle in the liquor cabinet. This must be at least 75 years old because it has been there ever since I’ve been around and the bottle says it’s already 50 years old! I don’t think it would be very good to drink. Metaxa is a type […]
I’m in the process of going through my possessions, deciding what to keep and what to purge. I made this sketch showing some books I’ll be holding on to and some that I’ll be forgetting about. Books are special objects to me and I often connect their ownership to certain people and circumstances. It was […]
All of these glasses belong to the same person, not me. They are of all different prescriptions, and most of them aren’t even used anymore. I wandered around the house collecting these and there were more than could fit on one page.
Drum and Table, ink and white colored pencil in sketchbook, 4/27/09 My Evening Companions, ink and white colored pencil in sketchbook, 4/28/09 While I was at Snow Farm, I tried to fill all my awake non studio hours with sketching. After dinner we usually had an evening activity of some sort, like a guest artist […]
Fruit Sketch, graphite in sketchbook, 5/3/09 Â Pink Rose Sketch, colored pencil in sketchbook, 5/4/09 I haven’t had the time to do a lot of art projects since coming back from vacation. In fact, I only just finished unpacking my suitcase today. Here are some small sketches I made from things that I happened to […]